
K, about the pictures...


This is my experiment... to have photos here, stories as they present themselves to memory, and possibly have links to Google Maps, and Earth -with corresponding geographically locatable locations. If you are reading this, and I haven't had an update as to the progress &/or plausibility of aforementioned experiment... kindly remind me w/ a comment. Or if you see me in person, gentle encouragement is preferred. Thanks, and God bless if you just sneezed.

-Joel Kreider

*If you click the pic...
you get a bigger one.
*If you click the highlighted link... under the pic, you get a treat. Of sorts.

There's a custom Google Map I made that shows exactly (+- a few feet of) where I have taken the pictures.

*If you know Longview: Zoom about half-way out, and you should have sufficient geographical context.
*If you don't know Longview: Zoom out 3/4.
*If you don't know Longview, and live in the Australia/ New Zealand area: Zoom out to the Third notch from full.

Friday, June 29, 2007

This is possibly the coolest thing I've come across in... well, ever. On the internet.

Please post (copy and paste or screen shot) yer favorite sayin'z and result'n tranlation... -but keep 'er clean. Arrr. Or for a perticular bit of levity, paste in some of the lyrics below! They tend to translate quite well. (Har!) There are multiple translations for some words, so don't be bashful with the Translate button.

Oh, if you use Apple's Safari browser, you can resize the text boxes for wider visibility!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Teach me to hear, when You only whisper.
Teach me to see, if You are hiding Yourself.
Teach me to be a light in the darkness
Teach me to run, to the only One who can shelter
my soul...

Turn my eyes, from this world of vanities
*...So that I may see Your perfect redemption.*

Teach me to live, so that others will see You.
Teach me to kindle, what fire is left in the coals.
Teach me to be a light in the darkness.
Teach me to rest, in the only One who can shelter
my soul...

Turn my eyes, from this world of vanities
...So that I may see Your perfect redemption.

Teach me to be a light in the darkness
...So that they may enter Your perfect redemption.

[Perfect Redemption]

-June 2, 4:41am. I'm tired again, -nite. Oh, the *'ed line was the starting phrase, I was editing the other post, and stopped to write this one.